... to problems they create.

Is there such thing as an 'unstoppable force' and an 'immovable object'?
It makes me think of Newton's third law of motion. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
You don't have 'immovable objects' without 'unstoppable forces', and what does it mean to 'not move' -- or to be 'unstoppable' -- in the context of the entire universe? Ariel raised the point that all forces are unstoppable in space provided no opposing forces are acting upon them.
It's a weak statement and totally sad, but, for the sake of scientific integrity, it had to be made.
What I want to know is if anyone used the make-shift entrance.
I should have but I think it had been knocked down by the time we actually went into the ELC after lectures and such.
Ah, 8am starts.
I feel that we need to top that with some sort of castle. Or the relocation of certain chairs of heavenliness. [Damn you dictionary, I MAKE that a word]
LOL! Nice work. We can now officially say we are reinventing English.
Perhaps 'modifying' is a better word.
I think we could.
What DID you call those lollies, though? I just thought that would be a fun caption.
I think I remember telling you when you asked as we walked past... "Clinkers" which perhaps, wasn't what you were thinking. To the supermart!
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