(10:41 PM) Janelle. The pe: it's like when maree used to say she like...
(10:41 PM) Janelle. The pe: imagined what would happen
(10:42 PM) Janelle. The pe: if on the day of graduation
(10:42 PM) Janelle. The pe: she was so excited, ran about throwing her hat in the air
(10:42 PM) Janelle. The pe: and ended up running into the road and being squashed flat, still in uniform.
(10:42 PM) Janelle. The pe: because yeah the hat would fly down Chester Rd and she'd chase after it and go SPLAT.
(10:42 PM) Janelle. The pe: that wuld be ironic.
(10:42 PM) `wiғғiɴe: HAHAHA
(10:43 PM) `wiғғiɴe: you should have said
(10:43 PM) `wiғғiɴe: because yeah the hat would fly down Chester Rd and she'd chase after it and go SPRATT.
I'm commenting my own entry, which is quite sad, but I just realised that going SPLAT / SPRATT wasn't what i ever said would happen. I said that I'd throw my hat out onto Ipswich Road for the trucks to run over (because I hated it so much - it was a symbol of OLC style repression) and then instead of landing on the road it would land on someone's windscreen, it would block the driver's vision and cause a major car crash, I would be sued / thrown in jail, and my glorious post-school life would be brought to an abrupt finish before it had even begun.
Yes, yes, I know, it was so much more complex -- but for the sake of Tiffy/Jelly conversation, that was all that needed to be said. xP.
And wow, we are so sadistic. Haha.
If not sadistic, then at least morbid. xP.
Jelly you suck. I was hoping I can stay anonymous.
Anyway, Maree, be thankful we weren't bitching about you xD. Like anyone would =/... hmm (evil prank idea)
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