Ok, so as you may have heard Wade and I were in a car accident. Ran off the road into one of those massive light poles (first hitting a bus stop sign on the way). Dragged the light pole around 10 meters before stopping. This was outside CSIRO Moggill Rd. The pole was still there the last time we went past if you want to check it out. Wade's car is now undriveable as it destroyed the radiator. Thanks to Wade's awesome Toyota Corolla we are both perfectly fine. No air bags or crumple zone just an extremely strong car. Anyway, I told Chris I would show him some pi
ccies so here
they are.
.____. The second photo makes the car seem as if its grimaces. "Ugh, not a camera, I'm photo-shy"
No mention of Binna Burra it seems.
Poles these days, just walking out in front of cars. Not even polite enough to wait for a gap, just do it whenever they damn well please. Perhaps it saw the P-Plate and thought "I'll show you"
It looks like the passenger side front headlight is still usable, perhaps u need to buy a helmet that you can attach it to.
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