The strings! Oh god the strings.
Jelly's laptop... screwwwed up
I thinkthat's actually me there.
What do you think? WE WERE STUDYING!
A soft place to relax your stimulated eyes. Be at peace with our thoughts to substitute yours.
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Hey, I like writing out names with a calligraphy pen. I haven't spent over $150 on fountain pens because I hate doing it, you know.
Holy SHIT, Toni looks good playing violni. That's not a random comment at all...hahahaha.
HAHA! Look at the photos on janelles laptop of her posing! :p haha aww she is so pretty when she tries!
That damn deodorant can, eww. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick, its worse than lynx. Maybe that is the photos of janelle doing that :p haha
I disapprove of your sarcasm. It's making a mess as it oozes on the floor. CLEAN IT UP.
Stop mocking that one can. Is it SAD that you LIKE the girl's body spray that we sell? I roll my eyes at you!
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