Open Poll: What vocal noise are you imagining this thing making?
You will not be able to un-see this. [Personality- for those who only see a car]
Posted by
on Thursday, September 3, 2009
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A sure sign of maturity: I giggled the entire time I scrolled. So from my reaction, I imagined it giving a high pitched giggle. And then a sleazy/cheesey fonz "Aaaaaaay"
Then Q.A has a better imagination than I do. All I could think was.. it would probably sound like this, "why are you spamming monkey-socks?, ill start posting random carbage that I didn't take my self" I'd assume in a very quick high-pitched squeal
Shame on you, Drake
its been brought to my attention that in fact there is a face in the car, so my mistake.
=O It has a Siamese twin on the other side too
I like cars of course all I will see is a car :P and think what a douche bag, who the fuck would drive that with that terrible body kit. Then think they are cool. After the body kit it is still just a silly car [Celica] it isn't even the GT-Four.
Stop spaming MS with your car-bage ! Jeeze, this is a blog for the monkey of socks not the top off a gear.
The old celicas (early 80s) were so much better than the 'girly' ones of today.
That's all I'll say without drawing any more ire from the auto-enthusiasts :P
On behalf of Lil Philo Cat [or some such]:
"I'm with QA, Toph. As Admin, I'd like to ask you to withhold intentionally nasty comments as they are not in accordance with the spirit of fun in community that we promote here at Monkey Socks.
These blog posts are permitted (not how I made a similar one earlier and implicitly challenged readers to see life in inanimate objects [Jel, you sound like a damn Eng extension teacher]).
However if the photos weren't taken by the Poser (in this case, gamma), I would like a List of References or whatever for teh sake of formality.
To Gamma: I will say I lol'd too. That is awesome. Good work, sir. I hear a sort of high-pitched squelch: -- the sort that comes when a living blog (cartoon of sorts)meets a windscreen prior to the splat."
And as someone who sounds like an English Extension teacher [I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK!], I would like to note the following:
'not' in paragraph two of the quotation should read 'note'; 'Poser' should read 'Poster'; and 'teh' should be 'the'.
Sorry. I've just spent the last hour editing something. :D I feel productive.
And thank you, QA. :D
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