I have decided to make my sister a video for Christmas. Let me know what you think!
A soft place to relax your stimulated eyes. Be at peace with our thoughts to substitute yours.
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Dear Sarshake,
That was very sweet. I think your sister would love it. And naww. So many dogs and stuffff! AND SNOW. Hahahaha. Where was that photo taken?
Thank you for sharing. :D
the snow was taken in New Zealand, dont remember where, i think i was about 3 and all i know is i got very very sick the next day.
Time machine plans are delayed for exams.
But if you made your time machine NOW, you could go back into time and redo the exams you would have failed because you spent time making your time-machine!
Nah. That'd create some sort of time crash. Because the you that was building the time-machine would have to be off taking exams, unless the you that went back into the past went and made the time machine the same way the you of the past made the time machine, in exactly the same way, while the you of back then went and took the exams that you didn't actually take while you were building the time machine, AND THAT MIGHT CHANGE THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.
I don't believe I made any sense.
lol omg that was awesomely confusing :p the world would explode if that happened!
And it would be all your fault!
I'd also like to say damn you for having a cool accept.
Cool accept?
Accent! Sorry! Typo!
I have a cool accent? Since when?
Since some time after learning to speak, I imagine!
:| i do not know of such accent, what does it sound like to you..
A li'l bit Australian, yeah. Slightly pommy, but not really.
It's cool.
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