Crazy People

There is something about Crazy People that I can't help but be drawn to...
  1. The motor attached to an average bicycle
  2. The wires loosely hanging
  3. The unaltered breaks on a bike capable of 60km/hr
  4. The prospect of selling these to other people


littel-philow-cat said...

LOL that is awesome. Love the commentary. Spoken like a true engineer...

They're planning on making an enterprise from that? I'd like to see how that works out.

Queen Anne said...

o.o And how many deaths/injuries... are associated with the bike. Not to be pessimistic, I'm actually curious. [=

littel-philow-cat said...

Tiffany's doing Stats. We'll gather her skills and aid her in the project once we've studied it!

Tiffany said...

the funny thing is, I'm the worst at maths out of all you smartasses, and you want me to do stats.

Queen Anne said...

I don't know how a "true engineer" speaks... but they'd have to be cynical bastards if they talk like this.

Still. Tiff, I feel I could rival you.