Tonight we were watching some tennis, one of our members really needed to go to the toilet when she came across this sign. Let's hope they improve this before they open the State Tennis Centre I do feel that disembowel would have been a better threat.
Here is a artistic render once it has been completed, no not the toilets, the tennis centre.
watching tennis huh? I'm sure. Pretty positive you snuck into the site as intended, that girl we all know needed to pee [as per usual] and you found the sign. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT
LOL she does need to pee a lot doesn't she? And while we continue to discuss her bladder issues on Blogger....
Nice to know the [BE] Adventures tag is being put to good use!
I have been advised that I may incriminate my self by commenting on that possible scenario.
All I will say is that it may or may not have been totally freaking awesome, and that we shall go back. With tennis racquets in hand, and white clothes, and sweatbands perhaps we could even go all out and go for the 80's tennis player look.
Or you could go to a fully opened tennis court and enjoy an awesome game, fully-lighted and as laid-back/competitive/fun as those involved desire. :P.
But I don't have white clothes...
I am sure that John does! Perhaps we could all wear his clothes this time! So i don't feel like the odd one out.
Janelle as if we would want to go to an open tennis court!
As a wise person (robot keeper perhaps?) once said, "if watching paint dry was a criminal offence you would be out there doing it at 1 am" and they are spot on, so until you have or someone else has banned tennis - we will keep doing the things we do :p
by the way, the lights were on at the tennis centre!
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