It's not really something you see kids playing with -- but lo and behold, the engg gang are a sure exception.
We burned a hole right through a piece of what Topher thought was either steel or aluminium. And we have evidence.
A soft place to relax your stimulated eyes. Be at peace with our thoughts to substitute yours.
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WHY is it on his hand?! WHY was I not involved? =[
I agree with Toni - why was I not involved?
because you were both too busy
"Oh I can't Ive got to work"
That is your punishment for not coming to Annie's concert
Like Chris said, it was right before Annie's concert. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!
Oh if it was before Annie's concert than I'm fine with that :p i got a dinner with the family [and had a job trial but we will ignore that bit]
Nice dinner :)
Why didn't you take it to my work? I was closing... I was in charge. I know the blind spots for all the cameras. The grocery guys would have been cool with things burning.
That would be ... interesting. :P
The bangs were pretty big. Reckon they'd mind having holes in the linoleum or whatever the floor's made out of?
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